Today I Learned
Ctrl + K
bulk renaming multiple file
Last updated
2 years ago
bulk renaming multiple file
convert pdf to text using ocr
diff output of 2 command
encryption with gpg
extend letsencrypt certificate with dns challenge
ffmpeg monitor and restart stream when it hung or stall
file size older than x days
filtering json with jq
find lines that matches on 2 different sorted file
find out what is using swap
fish environment variables from 1password
fix gpg warning unsafe permissions on homedir
formatting or parse json in command line
get all line except n last one
grep print only matched
grep using input file as pattern to search other file
jq counting lenght of an array
jq extracting properties to arrays from json row line
keep n recent item in folder
open last command in the editor with fc
parsing epoch timestamp to date
pbcopy alternative for copying to clipboard
process pipe operator
record a web stream to youtube
regex for validating password
rename tmux window
repeat content of text x time
replacing last command and execute it
reusing last command argument
send slack message from command line
sending curl post with file
sort file inline
specify compression level in tar gzip
zsh ctrl p same behavior as up arrow